Sergio Martinez


TITLE/OCCUPATION: Before the accident, Sergio was a landscaper known for his strong work ethic and beautiful creations.

Reason for Attending C.O.R.E.: Traumatic Brain Injury(TBI)

INTERESTS/CURRENT PROGRESS: Sergio loves listening to music and dancing. He enjoys playing with technology whether it is checking his stats on Fitbit or watching videos on his iPad. Sergio loves most of all spending time with his family and defending his Connect 4 Championship Title. Sergio spends a lot of his time working out and pushing himself newer limits of ability and independence.

July 2015, Sergio was starting his work day when a bullet struck him on the left side of his head. After a 3-week coma, Sergio began his journey to re-learn the basics of walking, talking and memory.


“C.O.R.E. has done more than change Sergio’s life, it has given Sergio his life back. With the help and patience of special individuals, Sergio has once again found his passion for fitness and now has a positive outlook on life. C.O.R.E. has helped improved Sergio’s posture, walking and healthy habits. C.O.R.E. means a lot to Sergio, more than the Center of Restorative Exercise, it is a way to Channel our Resilience Everyday.”
