INJURY/CONDITION: Traumatic Brain Injury(1995).
INTERESTS/HOBBIES: Fishing, camping and hiking. I enjoy watching and piloting remote controlled planes. I like to read books about businesses, non-profits, fitness, wellness and life changing experiences.
How has C.O.R.E. changed your life? After bilateral hip replacement in 2023, I was reminded by my sister about my professor from college that started CORE. I gave it a shot and I am so glad I did because 30 years before joining CORE, I was wasting away physically and mentally. Working with Sam, Diego and now Alexandro has been remarkable. I am stronger and have more energy. My balance and gait are so much better than 35 years ago.
What are you grateful for?
I am grateful for my friends and family. I would not be here without them. I am grateful to the creator of life, in my case, God. I am grateful to wake up in the morning and drive my care to C.O.R.E. I am grateful for learning at a young age(22 years old) about how to deal with life’s struggles and stresses. I am grateful for my wellness, fitness and happiness. Grateful to the staff at C.O.R.E!